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TTE quantification of LV Dimensions - Mayo Clinic Echocardiography Board Review 2019

Chapter 1

Echo in Cogenitalheart disease: Congenital cases

1 Lessons
Chapter 2

Echo in Cogenitalheart disease: Advanced echo Hemodynamic cases

1 Lessons
Chapter 3

Echo in Cogenitalheart disease: Complex Congenital disease

1 Lessons
Chapter 4

Echo in Cogenitalheart disease: Simple Congenital disease

1 Lessons
Chapter 5

Echo in Valvular heart disease: TV and PV

1 Lessons
Chapter 6

Echo in Valvular heart disease: MS

1 Lessons
Chapter 7

Echo in Valvular heart disease: Cardiac masses

1 Lessons
Chapter 8

Echo in Valvular heart disease: Interventional echo

1 Lessons
Chapter 9

Echo in Valvular heart disease: AR

1 Lessons
Chapter 10

Echo in Valvular heart disease: MR

1 Lessons
Chapter 11

Echo in Valvular heart disease: Prosthetic valve assesment

1 Lessons
Chapter 12

Echo in Valvular heart disease: Intra-operative echo

1 Lessons
Chapter 13

Echo in Valvular heart disease: AS

1 Lessons
Chapter 14

Echo in Valvular heart disease: IE

1 Lessons
Chapter 15

Fundmentals of Echo: Myocardial velocity and strain imaging

1 Lessons
Chapter 16

Fundmentals of Echo: Physcs in practice - Illustrative cases

1 Lessons
Chapter 17

Fundmentals of Echo: Contrast echo

2 Lessons
Chapter 18

Fundmentals of Echo: TTE quantification of LV Dimensions

1 Lessons
Chapter 19

Fundmentals of Echo: Diastolic function

2 Lessons
Chapter 20

Fundmentals of Echo: Doppler and Colour flow

1 Lessons
Chapter 21

Fundmentals of Echo: Echo in AF patient

1 Lessons
Chapter 22

Fundmentals of Echo: TEE

1 Lessons
Chapter 23


1 Lessons
Chapter 24

HF And CMP: Pericardial disease - Tamponade and Constriction

1 Lessons
Chapter 25

HF And CMP: Pericardial disease - Constriction mimics

1 Lessons
Chapter 26

HF And CMP: Pulmonary HTN and RV function

1 Lessons
Chapter 27

HF And CMP: DCM and Transplantation

1 Lessons
Chapter 28

HF And CMP: RCM and Cardiac Amyloidosis

1 Lessons
Chapter 29

HF And CMP: LV devices and CRT

1 Lessons
Chapter 30

Special session: NBE exam - Fort and overview

1 Lessons
Chapter 31

Special session: Hemodynamic workshop

1 Lessons
Chapter 32

Special session: Interesting cases

1 Lessons
Chapter 33

Systemic And CAD: Congenital Aotopathy

1 Lessons
Chapter 34

Systemic And CAD: Echo assessment of the Aorta

1 Lessons
Chapter 35

Systemic And CAD: Stress Echo

1 Lessons
Chapter 36

Systemic And CAD: CAD

1 Lessons
Chapter 37

Systemic And CAD: Name the systemic disease

1 Lessons